The editorial on our new DVD has been published in the British Dairying Magazine (May 2008) edition today. Here is a copy of exactly what is says:
"Free cubicle DVD
Cubicle specialists, Wilson Agriculture, have launched a DVD which gives an overview of what to look for when considering cubicle housing for your dairy cows.
It offers advice on how to improve cow comfort and housing conditions as a means of maximizing production and covvers all aspects of housing and cubicle installation. including advice on post mounted, floor mounted bolt down, and rail mounted cubicles.
It also highlights the results of time-lapse video research comparing different sorts of cubicles.
Ivor Davey, Sales Development Manager for Wilson Agriculture said: “ We consider it essential that producers realize there is so much more to a cubicle than just a bent bit of metal.
We also encourage farmers to watch their cows to enable them to supply a housing system which matches the cows requirements."
The DVD is available free by visiting (tel 02870 868430)."