Friday, 29 October 2010

Long term planning with Wilson Agriculture

Here are some 3D CAD drawings we have recently been working on.
This shows the long term planning for a unit.

Phase 1: The first building measures 51ft [15545] wide and 150ft [45720] long.
This houses 102 cows and feeds down one side.

Phase 2: Double up with another building along side the first.

Phase 3: Long term there are four similar building housing a total of 408 cows.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Congratulations Dairy Farmer of the year 2010

Congratulations to Neil Baker, another of Wilson Agriculture's customers who have won the Dairy Farmer of the year award from Farmers Weekly.

Photo credit and read more:

Neil was also one of the Gold cup finalists so we are proud to work with him. Take a look at the 'Year-round housing' video at

NMR/RABDF Gold Cup 2010 winners

Congratulations to Chris and Mike King from Iron Acton, North Bristol.

Image credit and read more:


NMR/RABDF Gold Cup 2010 winners and Wilson Agriculture customers with our

post mounted cubicles and self locking feed barriers.

Here are a couple more pictures of their unit:

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