New time lapse recording from 12th January 2012.
Interesting to watch the cows during different 1 hour long periods through out the day.
Filmed 12th January 2012 - Norfolk -UK
116 cow building with 18ft doubles and 9ft singles on 3ft9inch centers. These are all floor mounted C50 cubicles with Pasture Mat mattresses, Premium Pad and Poly Pillows. Also Wilson Ag wall mounted tip over water troughs.
Timelapse: 1 second = 1 minute
4am to 5am
9am to 10am
2pm to 3pm
7pm to 8pm
0am to 1am on 13th.
This is an attempt to show consistent cow behaviour throughout the day. Even at night the cows use the cubicles really well. This building is providing a high level of comfort and is a good environment for the dairy herd.